Fashion Diary, Living T-Shirts and leggins

Hello and welcome! It is no understatement that I love fashion and looking at what people (mainly women) are wearing and see if what they’re wearing will suit me.

I at this very moment wearing fitness bottoms/leggins with a pink polar neck and these are the clothes I love and being casual. Jubilee was great and I did film in Day in a life video to document what I was wearing, and will be uploaded soon.

Here is a pair I have posted before and wanted to talk about them again and I love them. So comfortable and love the colour and as I have dropped a dress size, yippy, are a size 14 and obsessed with them.

I have a few pairs, hanging in a closet in my home, and live in them. I am not being sponsored, but if Sainsbury’s read this blog or find it, then I would love to. Hint Hint.

Then there is Shein and their T-Shirts and along with TK Maxx, again not sponsored, just are great and I have to hold myself back, because they have so many. Amazon are always my go to for fashion, and there is a lot, and can become addictive. Again I have to rein myself in, but great for many things, like leggins and t-shirts.

I feel this is relevant as we did have the Platinum Jubilee, and one I have put into my basket not to buy right away, but to store for a future purchase.

This is an example of the T-Shirts available on amazon.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Published by Carries Blog Network

Life Coach, Blog Writer, Author, Content Creator and a Mother. My aim is to help people with parenting, building success, health and wellbeing and creating a network and community through my blogs, books and video content.

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